Angel Eyes
The Cat


Kira wasn't a fan of wrestling, but lots of her co-workers were. There were several men and women who would always talk about what she thought was silly stuff at lunchtime. She usually ignored them and of course they ignored her.

Kira was not much to look at. She didn't wear make-up and dressed in loose flowing skirts and blouses that were rather plain. She didn't have a perfect, magazine model's figure, in fact she was a little on the plus side. Her oversized glasses hid her average blue eyes and her hair was a medium length, mousy brown. She didn't go out much, except to do her grocery shopping, and never with anyone else. Instead she liked to stay home and either read or watch movies. She had no friends, only acquaintances from work. She had always been a loner, even as a child. She had had only one close friend when she was 14 and she lost touch with them when her father suddenly moved.

One day the wrestling talk was more animated than usual and she couldn't help but overhear what they were saying. There had been a PPV the night before and something strange happened at the end. Kira had to piece their words together as the volume rose and fell with their eating. Her heart stopped when she heard the names of Kane and Paul Bearer. She got her heart started again and listened even more intently, slightly leaning towards the group. She then recalled hearing the name of Bearer before but she had never paid attention to it. The group was saying something about Kane being someone’s brother and being out for revenge. Hearing Kane’s name again, Kira recalled when she first met the person behind the name.


Kira had lived next to a residential funeral parlor run by a fat man named Paul Bearer. The summer she was 12, she was sitting in her favorite place in the world, on her tire swing in the backyard. It hung from a very large oak with a bare patch of dirt under it from years of her feet scuffing it away, providing cool shade to sit and daydream. She had no friends to play with or learn about girly stuff with. In fact, she was something of a pariah, always the object of ridicule and bullies. There was just something about her that screamed to the nasty people in the world, 'I won't fight back, go ahead and abuse me.' Kira learned to avoid most of the torture and kept telling herself at least she was getting some kind of attention.

Her dad always worked real late and her mom had started leaving her alone in the evening saying she was going out with friends. It was up to Kira to give her dad the plate of leftovers when he got home.

She had been staring into space waiting until he got home one evening, when she heard the sounds of someone moving on the other side of the fence. A rhythmic chuffing sound accompanied with grunting made her wonder if the fat man was starting a garden. She hoped that it wasn't Bearer; she didn't like him very much. The few times he even acknowledged her, it was with very nasty looks.

Then Kira remembered that Bearer had left earlier, driving his big black hearse down the road and she didn't remember him coming back. Curious, Kira approached the fence and tried to peer through the cracks. She couldn't see anything but the sounds were closer and seemed to be coming from the very back of the yard were the fence ended. When she went to explore, Kira found there was a hole between two boards, hidden behind a bush just big enough for her to squeeze through.

As she got to the other side, she was startled by a large figure standing over her, a shovel in one hand. At first she thought it was a grownup and that she was in big trouble, then she realized that it was a boy, big for his age. She tried to get a closer look at him and make sure it was not a neighborhood bully come to give her a hard time. When he saw her looking at him, the boy gave a cry and raised his hands to cover his face, dropping the shovel. His cry scared her into jumping back, and Kira stumbled and fell backward, twisting her ankle in a small hole behind her. Next to her was a dead bird; apparently the boy was going to bury it.

She lay for a moment in surprise then tears sprang to her eyes as the pain started to grow up her leg. Soon Kira was sobbing and clutching her leg, rocking herself in time with her heartbeat, wondering how she was going to get home. She didn't see the boy come up to her until his shadow covered her.

"OK?" His voice was slightly rough as if it hurt to speak. He slowly knelt down next to her.

Kira hitched in her sobs as best she could gasping out, "I think I sprained it bad." between her sniffles.

"Sorry." He said. "Kane bad."

"No, it’s not your fault! I shouldn't have come through the fence and startled you. I heard something and was curious. I'm sorry I scared you." Her sniffling started to ebb as she explained, for some reason she didn't want to make the boy feel bad. There was something about his body language that was very expressive. Instinctively, she could tell he was not very self-confident, something she knew a lot about. It was almost as if he was younger than he sounded and needed to be reassured like a small child.

Kira tried to get a good look at his face but he was silhouetted with the sun behind him, casting his features into shadow.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Have you just moved here?" She asked now that he seemed willing to stay here with her. Anything to stave off the loneliness for a few minutes longer before she had to go to an empty home.

He shook his head no.

"Are you visiting?"

Another shake no.

"Then why are you here mucking around in Mr. Bearers yard?"

"Live here." He turned and looked back at the funeral parlor.

"What? You live in that house?" She couldn't believe it.

He nodded his head yes.

"I thought that only Bearer lived there. Home come I never see you in school?" She was getting real curious.

He didn't answer. That’s when Kira realized that this was no ordinary boy.

"Home schooled?" she had heard of kids that stayed home to learn, but had never met one until now.

He nodded his head again, his long curly hair still covering his face.

"Look, its getting dark and I need to get home before my dad gets home. Could you please help me?"

The boy, Kane he said his name was, seemed agitated. His body language showed his uncertainty.

Kira got an idea. "Go ahead and finish what you were doing and I won't tell anyone that I saw you, if you want."

Kane seemed surprised that she had guessed his worry. She scooted back enough for him to finish burying the bird, and then he bent down and easily lifted her off the ground as if she were a tiny kitten. Reflexively, Kira wrapped her arms around his neck. He jerked at her touch as if she had hurt him, but didn't drop her.

"I'm sorry, if I scared you. I just feel better holding on to you. OK?" She felt very safe in his arms. She wondered why he would react that way. Was he not used to human contact?

He grunted something and started to walk around to the front yard. He kept his head ducked down so his hair kept her from seeing his face. She wondered why he was so shy and felt a kinship with him that she could not explain. She also marveled at his strength, the ease with which he picked her up even though she was not the lightest person in the world. She then realized her rudeness as he rounded the fence and started walking up to her front door.

"I'm Kira and thank you for helping me." She wondered if she would see him again. She wanted to get to know him and hoped maybe they could become friends.

Kane nodded as he neared the front porch, he slowed and stopped at the first step. He then gently set her down, making sure he didn't bump her ankle.

"Thank you again Kane. I hope I get to see you again when I am better." He had started to turn away to leave and stopped surprised at her words. His posture was so easy to read, she thought. He is acting like no one wants him around, like I am the first person who wanted to be with him after meeting him for the first time. Kane had started to turn around and maybe reply, when the porch light came on.

As if frightened by the light, Kane ran back to his house, moving very silently for such a big kid. Kira turned to see her father at the door asking her where she had been. She told him she had been for a walk and really twisted her ankle bad. So bad she had to crawl and she had just now dragged herself home. He told her he thought he heard her talking to someone. Kira covered by explaining that she was talking to herself so she wouldn't give up, telling herself she was almost home. Kira hoped her dad would buy it

Just then Bearer returned, briefly illuminating Kira and her father in the headlights as he turned into the drive. Kira wondered what the relationship was between Bearer and Kane and if it was good or not. There was something about Kane that told her he very much understood about loneliness and no one liking you, calling you names. Kira's dad picked her up and took her into the house to put ice on her ankle.


Kira soon learned the wrestling story about Undertaker, Kane and Bearer. She was now sure it was the same Kane that she had met so long ago. She started watching the wrestling shows to find out everything she could about him and Kira wondered if he would remember her. I don't make much of an impression on people, she thought to herself, he probably wouldn't remember me until I reminded him and even then he might not want to talk to me. Kira also wondered if there was a way for her to contact him.

She tried to enter into the groups wrestling talks at work and they were surprised at her interest. Kira had never really talked to anyone unless it was necessary, keeping mostly to herself; she wasn't accepted by them, just tolerated, but she was used to it. That was the way her whole life had been except for the short time that she had gotten to know and become friends with Kane.

Kira found out about house shows, but no one knew when there would be one in town. In the meantime, she kept watching him on TV, not believing everything the announcers said about him. They would say that Kane was a monster, a one man wrecking machine, and that he had no feelings for anyone or anything. She knew that was false and couldn't understand why he acted the way everyone said he was like. It had to be Bearer. He must have twisted Kane's mind and emotions so badly; he was no longer the person she had known. Kira wondered if it would be a good idea to try and find Kane if Bearer was manipulating him, would she be able to stop it?


Kira's ankle took awhile to get better, but when she could, she would hobble out in the backyard to her swing and watch the house next door, hoping to get a glimpse of Kane. There were times when she thought she had seen a curtain move, but it could have been wishful thinking working with her imagination.

Finally, her ankle was better when one day, Bearer had left and her parents were once again not home. Kira took some cookies over and went to the front door. After several minutes of knocking, she went around to the back. When no one answered the back door. Kira wondered if it had been her imagination that Kane said he lived here. As she turned to leave, something went across her path. When she looked closer, it was a wheel from a toy truck. She picked it up and traced back the path it had taken to see a basement widow open, curtains partly open to reveal only blackness.

Kira walked over and knelt down to peer in. "Kane?" she called, "I have something for you." She thought she heard movement inside.

After a moment, she saw a hand appear and she placed the cookies into his palm.

"This is for helping me. I hope you like them." She heard grunts and the noise of him eating the cookies. Inhaling them it sounds like. She smiled; glad he was enjoying her present. Kira couldn't stand it any longer, her curiosity get the better of her and she moved one of the curtains aside to get a better look inside. She couldn't see Kane and she realized that he must be right under the window out of her line of sight. She peered through the gloom and saw a bedroom. This was were he lived!?! How awful to be cooped up in a basement as a room. No wonder he had snuck out that one time.

"Kane?" she called to him. "I should go before I get caught, but I want to be able to talk to you again. I don't have any friends and need someone to talk to. Is that ok?" She waited for his response.

"Can't." he said still under the window where she couldn't see.

"Because you are not allowed?"


"But you were outside before, couldn't you do it again. Just like last time, when no one is home. Please?" She put her best begging into it.

"OK. Thank you for cookies." It was the longest sentence she had heard from him.

Just then she heard a car pull in and she jumped up to leave calling over her shoulder, "Someone is here. I'll look for you. Your welcome, Bye." Quickly, Kira ran for the hole in the fence and squeezed through. She was walking to her swing when she saw Bearer walking up to his front door. He didn't see her as he went inside and she was glad. She now hated him for keeping Kane locked up in that room never getting to go outside. She hoped Kane would keep his word and come outside to talk, or rather listen to her talk.


Kira had always been the loner, an outsider looking in. That was probably why she and Kane had gotten along so well. Even now as she showed interest in her co-workers wrestling discussions, she didn't feel apart of the group. It was like they tolerated her at best, and at worst, they make fun of her interest in Kane behind her back. Called them the perfect couple of freaks. She knew how they felt, but didn't care what they thought. She had resigned herself to being alone for the rest of her life and for the most part was able to deal with it. But now that she knew where Kane was and what he was doing, she felt a little hope that maybe, just maybe, she could get to him and they could be friends again.

She just hoped that Bearer hadn't twisted Kane up so completely that he would turn his back on her. She had seen on the TV how he manipulated Kane and it scared her a little that he no longer seemed to be the person she used to know.

After a year of watching and waiting, Kira would soon see him in person. They were coming to town and she had her front row ticket after camping out overnight to get it. Now how would she get his attention? She had heard that fans would wait outside to get autographs. Maybe she could do that, but she wasn't confident enough to think she could bully her way through all those people to even get close to him. What could she do to get his attention?


Everyday, near sunset, if Bearer wasn't home, Kira would wait by the hole in the fence. Her mom still wasn't home a lot while her father actually started to work even later. She looked forward to seeing Kane whenever possible.

Bearer didn't go out much at night, but when he did, Kane would sneak out and join Kira at the fence for a brief time. He always wore long sleeved shirts and long pants, keeping his hands in his pockets, even when it was hot out. The one thing that puzzled her was the Wolf man Halloween mask he always had on.

When she first saw it, she had wanted to ask, but her instincts led her not to say anything until later. Sometimes she would have a treat for Kane, but mostly she would just talk, telling him how desperately lonely she was and Kane seemed willing to listen to her chatter on and on. He must have been even more lonely that her to just sit and listen.

They did this, meeting infrequently over the course of two years. Slowly, Kira was able to coax Kane into telling her about himself and what she learned made her realized that she had a good life compared to his. They would sit at the hole in the fence, each one on their side looking over at the other, and it became their regular meeting place.

She learned that Bearer was Kane's father and that he had been burned in a fire. Kane informed her that Bearer told him that his brother had set the fire that had killed his mother and what he thought was his father at the time. Bearer had taken him in and informed him who his real father was. Bearer promised Kane the chance to get revenge against his older brother when the time was right. She also found out he was only 2 years older than her and that he was smarter than he acted.

It took Kira a long time to get the story out of him, coming in bits and pieces as she managed to show him she could be trusted and that she trusted him completely. Now all she needed to do was convince him he didn't need the mask. No matter what she did, she could not convince Kane to remove the mask for her.


Kira got more excited each day that brought her closer to seeing Kane again. She made sure she would have the time off so she could go to the arena early and try to see him going in. In the year and a half since she had found out were he was, Bearer had turned his back on Kane to go back with his brother the Undertaker. However, others were now manipulating Kane in the wrestling company, being used as a deadly weapon for their personal vendettas against others. Kira wanted to show him that he could be his own person; that he didn't need anyone to tell him what to do.


Kira thought her efforts to get Kane to take his mask off had made him feel uncomfortable and that was why he had not returned to their spot in several weeks. Kira was miserable and felt bad she had tried to pry. She tried to leave him things at his window to show she was sorry, but she still didn't see him.

Kira hurt at the perceived rejection. She had started to have strong feelings for Kane as she had gotten to know him better and had hoped he liked her as well. Unfortunately, it was the one area that she couldn't read his body language on. Of course she had no experience with boys, so she had no idea what the indicators of liking her back might be. At least he didn't say anything about how she looked. That was one of the things she liked about him, he didn't say much and let her do the talking.

One fall evening Kira was sitting on her tire swing. She was really to old and to big for it, being almost 15, but her parents were home for once and screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. So she had come out to the place she most felt comfortable, her swing. She could still hear her father yelling at her mother for cheating on him and her mother yelling back that if he hadn't of worked so much, she wouldn't have had to cheat. On and on, back and forth they went. Kira couldn't stand it, and her heart was breaking. What would she do if they split? She started crying as her world crumbled around her.

Something got her attention out of the corner of her eye. She looked closer and saw Kane standing on her side of the fence, looking at her, his head tilted, as if asking her what was wrong. Kira was so happy to see him, she jumped off her swing and hugged him, clinging as if she were drowning and only he could save her.

Kane was very surprised at her hug and at first just stood there as she sobbed into his chest. She told him about what was going on as if he couldn't hear for himself. That was what had drawn him over in the first place, all the yelling. He had been worried for Kira and felt bad that he had not seen her in a long time. After a minute, he hugged her back, liking this new feeling of someone not afraid to touch him. Even his father had never hugged him.

Kira soon stopped talking and just took comfort in his embrace. He must like her to be here and holding her like he was. She looked up to tell him she had missed him and saw that Kane was not wearing the mask. Instead he had bandages wrapped around, leaving only his eyes, nose and mouth exposed. He had recently been through a skin graft. That was why he had not been around in awhile. It was the first time she could clearly see his eyes. To her, they were beautiful. They made her forget every bad thing that had happened to her.

"Kane, did anyone tell you that you have the eyes of an angel?" So what if the right one was lighter than the other. It just added to his mystique. Kira knew she could easily drown in his eyes; there were depths unknown that she wouldn't mind diving into.

Kane ducked his head as if to say to her, 'I am ugly, don't look at me.'

"Kane, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. I don't think you are ugly at all. Who you are and how you treat others is what matters. Not only do you have angel eyes, you have the heart of one to." Kira stood on her tiptoes, pulled down his face and kissed him on his lips that were not covered by the bandages. Her move had startled him and Kane felt his face get red under the coverings. His hand rose up to touch where she had kissed him.

Kira grabbed his other hand and held it to her face. "Please tell me you will be my Angel Eyes always."

Feeling things he had never felt before, Kane nodded and leaned down to kiss Kira back. His lips had just barely touched hers when an all to familiar voice cut him short.

"KANE!!!" It was Bearer and he was angry. Kane was outside and with a girl! How could he do this to his own father after he had gotten Kane an expensive skin graft!! This was going to mean a very severe punishment.

Kane jumped and the look of guilt mixed with dread was the last thing Kira saw in his eyes as he ran back to his house. His posture told her he knew what he had in store for him and she felt bad that she was going to be the cause of any pain he would soon be experiencing.

Bearer's face popped over the fence and he started to lay into her calling her many unpleasant names that normally were used for women who had a certain, illegal profession. He then left, whispering to himself what he was going to do to Kane for disobeying him. Kira felt completely helpless, what could she do for Kane?


Kira was staked out at the arena back door with several other fans. An SUV arrived, pulling very close to the back door. There, climbing out of the passenger side and getting his bag, she saw him. He towered over the security guards who walked with him, head covered with a towel, wearing a long sleeved shirt and long pants, just like he used to. She had taken careful note of which car he had arrived in, and where it was parked. She wanted to make sure she would be able to get to him after the show.

Inside the arena, Kira went straight to her ringside seat. It was in the corner next to where the wrestlers entrance aisle met the open area around the ring. She hoped he might glance her way as he left the ring. Would he remember her? And if he did, would he want to see her? It had been ten years since the night Bearer had found them kissing.

Kira sat in her seat unmoving, not caring at all about the other matches. She was waiting for only one man, Kane. He was to be in the last match that night and she had a hard time being patient, alternating between fear and exhilaration as the time dragged by.

Finally, his music blared and down the aisle he sauntered as the crowd cheered the loudest they had that night, looking straight ahead at his opponent in the ring. Kira stood up as he passed so close; she could have reached out and touched him on one massive shoulder. Other fans behind her were trying to do so, but she was in their way. Kira didn't reach out, she just watched him walk by, marveling at how much he had grown since she had seen him last. He had been big for his age then, but now he was monstrous. What would she do if he got mad at her?

The fans that were next to her were not happy because she had been in their way. They made rude remarks about her parentage and sexual habits, but she ignored them. Her focus was on Kane and only a herd of elephants trampling over her would get her to stop looking at him. She watched every move he made, never blinking lest she miss anything he did. He had deceptive grace and agility for one with such strength and power. It was amazing to see him in action large as life there before her eyes instead of on a small TV screen. Of course he won, totally demolishing his opponent in short order.

Kira was now ready, it was time to try and get his attention. She stood in her corner waiting for him to pass by again. However, as Kane started to leave the ring, the rude fans shoved up against Kira, trying to push her aside so that they could brag to their buddies about getting a hand on him.

Kira screamed in pain as she was pinned chest first against the safety railing. Kane took no notice as he walked by. He was used to fans screaming loudly and trying to get at him. However, his walked slowed for a split second before continuing on into the back. He had thought he heard something but dismissed it as his imagination playing tricks, making him think he had heard a voice from the past. The owner of that voice was gone and good riddance according to Bearer. She had never liked him, and she only wanted to use him. For what, he could never get out of his father, so Kane did his best to just get her face out of his mind.

Kira had instinctively yelled out to Kane to help her as she was being slowly crushed to death. "Angel eyes help me!" But he had kept going, obviously not hearing her. Kira quickly lost her breath and couldn't scream anymore. Her ribs were on fire as the crown pushed even harder, her heart felt as if it was going to burst. Security finally saw what was happening and managed to get the crazed fans off of her, but it was too late. Kira lost unconsciousness as the rent-a-cops took her to the back for help.

Kira came around to several strangers looking down at her, pain shooting like fire through her mid-section and chest. Then she remembered where she was and worried that she would miss seeing Kane when he left the arena. In spite of the pain, she tried to get up. The paramedics did their best to hold her down as they told her to stay put while they checked her out. After several minutes they pronounced no broken bones or internal bleeding, but she was severely bruised everywhere and would be very sore for a couple of weeks if not for a whole month.

One of the men in charge was worried Kira would want to sue the arena for negligence, so he asked her if she wanted any free merchandise, even tickets for any future event she wanted to go to as a bribe. Kira saw a golden opportunity and told the man she wanted to meet Kane face to face and that nothing else would do.

The man looked worried, he told her it might not be possible, since it was well known backstage that Kane was not only a loner, but had an unpredictable temper. Kira insisted as she clutched at her ribs, playing like she was more wounded than she really was. She was not going to let this opportunity slip away.

The man left and knocked on Kane's locker door. He explained to Kane what had happened. Puzzled and curious why someone would want to meet him instead of one of the more popular wrestlers, he said yes, but the person had to be brought to him.

The man quickly fetched the wounded Kira, escorting her to the locker room door, knocked on it and left her alone, clearly afraid. Kira began to worry she had made a mistake in being there but knew she would never have a chance like this ever again.

Kane opened the door and she looked up and had to keep looking up, he was so tall, until she could see those supernatural eyes causing her heart to flip. He stared down at her for a moment before he realized who, after all these years, was standing at his door. He had recognized her and was very surprised, his whole posture told her so. Kira just stood there not knowing what to say, and waiting to see what he would do.

Kane also stood paralyzed in shock. He was remembering her, the girl next door who had been so nice to him, before Bearer had caught them together and punished him. He had been locked up in his room and the whole time Bearer told him that women were bad; that they hurt you, that she could never like him because he was ugly and a monster.

Kane had secretly not believed his father, enduring the punishment and mouthing the platitudes his father had wanted to hear; all the while thinking that Kira was different, that she had been sincere about their friendship.

But when he had finally been able to sneak out, she was gone. Kane had waited several weeks, watching, before he saw that a different family now lived next door and realized that Bearer was right. Kane's heart had been broken and he never trusted anyone again. Now she was standing there after all this time, and Kane had no idea what to think. Especially now that Bearer had shown that he could not be trusted either. Anger at being betrayed all his life started to build inside.

He wanted to grab her throat and choke her for deserting him like she had but something in her eyes stopped him. Kira had seen the way his muscles had tensed knowing he was not happy, but then he hesitated and she went for broke.

"Kane? Don't you remember me?" When she spoke, Kane remembered her proclamation about his eyes and how her kiss had made him feel. Those memories made him wonder if Bearer had been wrong about her after all. There would only be one way to find out.

He stood aside and gestured for Kira to enter. She limped in slowly, remembering her sprained ankle and how they had met. She managed to find a chair to collapse in and looked around the locker room that Kane had to himself. He came away from the door after pushing it closed and sat down opposite her. His posture said 'I am busy, say what you have to say and make it quick.'

Kira tried to think of a way to start. Why would he be mad? Maybe he had felt abandoned by her. She didn’t blame him for feeling that way about her. She would start with where she had been and hopefully be able to let him know she still cared.

"Kane, the day after Bearer caught us, my dad left my mother and took me with him. He had asked for a transfer at his job and the only thing immediately available was across the country. I had no way to get a hold of you. I was afraid to write because I knew Bearer would not let my letter through. By the time I was old enough to be on my own and looking for you, you were gone, the funeral parlor sold." She hoped that would satisfy him. All she could do was wait.

Kane tilted his head in his oh-so-heart-tugging, familiar way and looked at her still saying nothing. Kira got nervous while she waited.

"I don't believe everything others have been saying about you." She wanted to let him know she remembered the thoughtful boy behind the mask. "I remember a person who helped a lonely girl feel good about herself."

Kane's posture showed he heard her and was still considering things.

"Do you remember what we talked about before we were interrupted?" She hoped to get some kind of reaction out of him.

Kane gave her a slow nod. He had never forgotten despite how much his father had tried to make him forget.

"Do you remember me asking you something?"

Another nod. She had liked my eyes and wanted to be with me, Kane thought, remembering how good it had felt to hear her say what she had to him. It had been a first in his young life and unfortunately a last.

"Kane, please say something." Kira was getting desperate.

Kane sat and considered everything that had happened in the last few minutes. Kira had come looking for him, but did she still feel the same way she used to? Did she still believe that it was the inside that mattered or would a hideously scared freak repulse her? Did he want to open himself up to be hurt again? Her explanation seemed valid, and he wanted to think that she had not abandoned him, that they had been forced apart by circumstance, how would he make sure?

"I need to know." He finally spoke to her. His voice was the same as she had remembered, harshly whispered, except a little deeper.

"Know what?" She asked hoping.

"Inside." He was still economizing his word use.

"The inside is more important than the outside?" She was starting to understand and her hopes rose higher.

He nodded.

"Kane I have never stopped feeling that way. Look at me; do I look like I care about the outside? I remember you showing me that you had the heart of an angel to match your eyes." She wished she could see them without the mask in the way.

"Look and tell me again." Kane reached up and unbuckled his mask. Kira couldn't believe he was doing it. After all this time she was going to see his face. It was off and he stared at her, watching for her reaction, waiting to hear the scream of horror.

There were numerous scars where the skin graphs had not smoothly taken that seemed to crawl all over his face, slightly distorting his features. It wasn't as bad as he had made out and she did not feel repulsed at all.

Kira focused on his beautiful eyes and told him with a straight face and even voice, "Your inside is the most important thing to me." And she got up and went to him. Kane stayed in his seat, stunned, not sure he heard her correctly, she had not screamed, but instead had said she still felt the same way. She was even coming closer to him.

When Kira reached him she bent down and lightly kissed him like she had before. "Will you be my angel eyes?" She whispered to him.

"Yes." Kane whispered back trying to fight the tears that sprang to his eyes when he realized she really did love him for who he was, not what he looked like. He was going to make sure she knew he felt the same way about her and pulled her down into his lap.


Kira quit her job and traveled on the road with Kane. She never told him what to do, or tried to manipulate him like the others had. She quietly and lovingly stayed by his side; content to see him show the world the kind of person he was on the inside. The kind of person he was meant to be and they were never lonely again.

All graphics and script for AHUG4KANE is ©Skald Qayin 2001. The Fan Fiction is the property of the author and can NOT be used without permission. If you see anything you'd like to use, please e-mail Qayin at AHUG4KANE. Page created 11.04.01 Skald Qayin's e-mail: